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The entrepreneur Vladimir Sapožnin, with whose support to the collection of the Instrument Foundation, was acquired the precious bow, delivered the bow to the violinist Hans Christian Aavik, prior to the concert yesterday “Virtuoosid meisterpillidel” (Virtuosos on master instruments) that took place at the Kadriorg Art Museum. The violin bow was made in about 1930, by the French master Victor Fétique.

Hans Christian Aavik plays on a violin that belongs to the collection of the Instrument Foundation that was built approximately in 1610 by the instrument master Giovanni Paolo Maggini and belonged to the grandfather of Vladimir Sapožnin – the legendary artist Vladimir “Boba” Sapožnin.

“The Instrument Foundation through its activities, has proven that private investors and entrepreneurs desire to support the development of classical music and budding interpreters. Every master instrument that with the assistance of investors, reaches the hands of young musicians, allows them to successfully perform on a world level and represent Estonia internationally”, said the Minister of Culture Anneli Ott and added “I thank all private supporters who consider the development of Estonian music culture important and create with investing into instruments, possibilities for young musicians to develop and realise themselves.”

“Hans Christian Aavik is a talented young violinist, who has achieved award winning positions in many recognised competitions. We live with our family, along with his achievements and it is moving to listen to him playing on grandfather’s violin”, said Vladimir Sapožnin.