A violin in the Foundation’s collection held its 300th birthday

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Mari Poll-Novakovic plays on a Foundation’s violin made by Naples’ luthiers Nicola and Joseph Gagliano. In 2023, the fine instrument held its 300th birthday as it was crafted in 1723.

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Investing in Rare Stringed Instruments with a Group of Investors. Where to Start?

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The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments (Eesti Pillifond) and TRINITI Law Firm have partnered to offer innovative solutions for investing in rare stringed instruments in the private sector. In addition to individual investing, there are now opportunities for consortium investing, such as jointly acquiring rare stringed instruments with a group of friends, work colleagues, or a society. Investing in a fine instrument with significant musical value not only fosters the development of promising local talent but also presents a fixed-return investment opportunity.

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Tarisio auction house founder Jason Price: Violins consistently appreciate in value

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Jason Price is the founder of Tarisio, an acclaimed auction house specialising in historical stringed instruments. As an experienced entrepreneur and violin expert, Price has conducted countless auctions over the past 20 years, with total sales of over $303 million. Last year, he successfully sold a Stradivarius violin, ‘da Vinci, ex-Seidel’, for $15.3 million.

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Anders Bjørnsen highlights the value of investing in historical stringed instruments

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Over the past year, the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments has organised seminar events focusing on investing in historical stringed instruments. Last September, Anders Bjørnsen, head of the Sparebankstiftelsen Norway art collection, gave a presentation at the seminar held at Eesti Pank.

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The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments began collaboration with Dextra fond

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The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments has announced collaboration with Dextra fond of DNB Bank of Norway to exchange experiences and provide opportunities for musicians to perform in exchange concerts.

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Concerts in 2023–2024

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The rare stringed instruments from the collection of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments will be played by our top musicians at several concerts.

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Hans Christian Aavik, who plays on a violin of the Instrument Foundation, won 1st prize at an acclaimed competition

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Hans Christian Aavik who plays on the Maggini violin belonging to the Sapožnin family, won the 1st prize at the Carl Nielsen International competition. He also won a special prize for the best performance of the mandatory piece, as well as the awards of the Odense and Copenhagen Orchestra.

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The Instrument Foundation started the training of instrument masters

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An international series of trainings was opened on the 2nd of March in the instrument workshop of the master Raivo Hiiemaa. The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, decision of the Council, allows for six future instrument makers to start studies. They will acquire the required knowledge and skills, under the most valued instrument masters of Finland and Sweden.

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Six youths were selected as students that will become instrument experts

Iris Eva Aabloo, Hanna Maria Semper, Teodor Juko Hiiemaa, Karmen Urb, Grettel Erik and Martin Chhabra will start studies, according to the decision of the Council of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, in the international training of instrument experts.

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The right of use of the cello bow made by master Victor Fétique, was granted to Valle-Rasmus Roots

The cello bow made by the master Victor Fétique in 1930, was given by the decision of the Council of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, for three years into the use of Valle-Rasmus Roots.

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Media coverage:

ETV "Terevisioon" (11.06.2024)

Haruldane pill

Postimees (13.04.2022)

Eesti viiuldaja maailma tipus

Klassikaraadio (06.03.2021, alates 21 minutist)

Metseenlus eesti muusikaelus

Sirp (20.11.2020)

Tänased tähed

Teater.Muusika.Kino (oktoober, 2020)

Persona Grata Theodor Sink

Ajakiri Muusika (07.11.2019)

Pillifondi aarded

Klassikaraadio (12.09.2019)

Kontserdisari "Pillifondi aarded"

Vikerraadio. Huvitaja (31.05.2019)


Äripäev (21.01.2019, alates 49 minutist)

Puust ja punaseks – kuidas investeerida 2019. aastal?

Eesti Ekspress (08.08.2018)

Theodori tume stiihia

ERR. Kultuur (22.05.2018)

Theodor Sink: Eesti Pillifond on ime

Kanal 2 (14.11.2017)

Reporter alates 21:35

Äripäeva raadio (14.11.2017)

Hommikuprogramm alates 8:20

Raadio 2 (03.05.2017)

“Hommik” alates 00:24

Raadio Kuku (29.04.2017)

„Publikumärk“ alates 19:57

Raadio 2 (19.04.2017)

“Agenda” alates 01:05:54

Muusika (jaanuar, 2017)

Eesti Pillifondi ime

Swedbank Fookus (jaanuar, 2017)

Muusikamaailma Ferrarid Eestis

ETV “Terevisioon” (05.12.2016)

Terevisioonis kõlas 18. sajandi viiul

Vikerraadio (05.12.2016)


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Investing in the instrument foundation is a socially responsible investment that promotes Estonian culture and musical life as well as provides support to outstanding young musicians. I am very honoured to be a participant in establishing the foundation and making my contribution to it.

Paavo Järvi