The number of high-value string instruments in the world is limited and their value increases every day.
The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments intends to obtain 2-4 rare instruments per year and give them to our young performers to use.
The Foundation was founded by Swedbank Ltd, Estonian National Culture Foundation and maestro Paavo Järvi on December 7th, 2015, at the initiative of the Republic of Estonia’s Ministry of Culture.
Presenting the Foundation on a press conference: Toomas Velmet (Vice Chairman of the EFMI Board), Robert Kitt (Head Director of Swedbank from 2015 to 2019), Indrek Saar (Minister of Culture from 2015 to 2019) and EFMI’s Board member Marje Lohuaru. Foto: Ministry of Culture
A new generation of educated, talented, and hard-working performers have grown up in Estonia. They are dedicated to their profession and play on an international level. Yet, it is essential for their international career to be able to play on string instruments with the highest quality.
The Foundation is on a mission to solve that problem by cooperating with the state and the private sector. You don’t have to look far for a good example, there are similar collections in all countries that respect high culture. This is where EFMI counts on our successful, culture-appreciative private sector as supporters and investors.
Contact us:
Marje Lohuaru
Board member
AS Swedbank
Estonian National Culture Foundation
Paavo Järvi
Marje Lohuaru
Tiina Sepa
Toomas Velmet
Estonian National Culture Foundation
Kertu Aksiim
Republic of Estonia, Ministry of Culture
Paavo Järvi
We are among the founders of the Foundation to establish a perfect example of cooperation between sectors. The Foundation has extensive monetary requirements which is a match with our main activities.
CEO, Swedbank Estonia
January 2015–June 2019