The Instrument Foundation offers the opportunity to invest in string instruments produced in the 17th-19th centuries by highly valued masters. Internationally recognised instrument experts advise the instrument choice and purchase.
The value of instruments has increased over the years and they have become an interesting investment article. The Instrument Foundation assists in finding required experts, signing contracts and organising insurance. It is important for preserving and increasing the instrument’s value that the instrument is used for playing. The Instrument Foundation organises that the instrument reaches an Estonian musician through an application procedure which involves an expert council’s recommendation.
The internationally recognised periodic catalogue „Taxe der Streichinstrumente“, by Albert Fuchs, published in Germany, gives investors an overview of the value, at the time of publication, of good condition string instruments built by a concrete instrument maker. The catalogue contains a thorough list of the estimated value of string instruments, based on their maker and origins. The publication is compiled with the assistance of different national and international associations of string instrument makers and it is used throughout the world for assessing the value of historical string instruments.
The table includes a selection of the works of the main masters of violin makers in the recent centuries. The values presented are from the years 1922 (in Marks), 1975 (in Euros), 2002 (in Euros) and 2017 (in Euros). The price scale for the period 1922-2017 indicates that the investment value of the violins shows stable growth.
Please have a look at the table HERE
The table of official prices for the violins according to Albert Fuchs’s periodical table „Taxe der Streichinstrumente“ was put together by Eero Haahti, who is a Finnish expert on string musical instruments.
We are among the founders of the Foundation to establish a perfect example of cooperation between sectors. The Foundation has extensive monetary requirements which is a match with our main activities.

CEO, Swedbank Estonia
January 2015–June 2019