The Instrument Foundation Thank You Concert took place on 17th of April 2017 at Kadriorg Castle

Number of images: 34

At the thank you concert at Kadriorg Castle all six Instrument Foundation centuries old valuable instruments which had been loaned to date to users could be heard demonstrating their sound nuances.

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The Instrument Foundation Showcased the First Valuable Instruments at the Kadriorg Castle

Number of images: 19

On December 5th 2016 the Instrument Foundation in cooperation with investors presented the first six historical valuable instruments at the Kadriorg Castle. The board member Marje Lohuaru explained at the event the foundation’s functioning and how the instruments reached the foundation.

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Instrument Foundation Opening Event

Number of images: 10

On March 12th an Estonian National Symphony Orchestra concert conducted by maestro Paavo Järvi conductor of, Paris, Frankfurt and Tokyo’s NHK symphony orchestras as well as the German Chamber Philharmonic took place at the Estonia Concert Hall.

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Media coverage:

ETV "Terevisioon" (11.06.2024)

Haruldane pill

Postimees (13.04.2022)

Eesti viiuldaja maailma tipus

Klassikaraadio (06.03.2021, alates 21 minutist)

Metseenlus eesti muusikaelus

Sirp (20.11.2020)

Tänased tähed

Teater.Muusika.Kino (oktoober, 2020)

Persona Grata Theodor Sink

Ajakiri Muusika (07.11.2019)

Pillifondi aarded

Klassikaraadio (12.09.2019)

Kontserdisari "Pillifondi aarded"

Vikerraadio. Huvitaja (31.05.2019)


Äripäev (21.01.2019, alates 49 minutist)

Puust ja punaseks – kuidas investeerida 2019. aastal?

Eesti Ekspress (08.08.2018)

Theodori tume stiihia

ERR. Kultuur (22.05.2018)

Theodor Sink: Eesti Pillifond on ime

Kanal 2 (14.11.2017)

Reporter alates 21:35

Äripäeva raadio (14.11.2017)

Hommikuprogramm alates 8:20

Raadio 2 (03.05.2017)

“Hommik” alates 00:24

Raadio Kuku (29.04.2017)

„Publikumärk“ alates 19:57

Raadio 2 (19.04.2017)

“Agenda” alates 01:05:54

Muusika (jaanuar, 2017)

Eesti Pillifondi ime

Swedbank Fookus (jaanuar, 2017)

Muusikamaailma Ferrarid Eestis

ETV “Terevisioon” (05.12.2016)

Terevisioonis kõlas 18. sajandi viiul

Vikerraadio (05.12.2016)


See all

I am sincerely privileged to recognise and thank the founders of the Estonian Musical Instrument Foundation and encourage all music friends with social responsibility to support the foundation.

Indrek Saar
Minister of Culture
April 2015–April 2019