Seminar on investment in instruments of value

Number of images: 30

On the 26th of November, a seminar introducing the investment into historical string instruments was organised by the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments and Swedbank, at the Hotel Telegraaf, where also the sound features of the valuable string instruments were heard.

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Concert series “The treasures of the Instrument Foundation”

The new concert series “The Treasures of the Instruments Foundation” of Eesti Kontsert presents young talented Estonian interprets who have access to valuable string instruments through the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments. At the moment, there are ten violin, viola or cello players in Estonia who have the opportunity to play on those high-value, best instruments.

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The seminar introduced the possibility to invest in rare string instruments

Number of images: 16

On the 13th of September, already the second seminar on investing in historical string instruments took place. The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments and Swedbank took the lead role at the seminar. The highly acclaimed string instrument expert, John Dilworth, from Great Britain made a presentation.

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The Instrument Foundation collection has received a third precious Gagliano violin

Number of images: 43

The Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments collection has been increased by a nearly 250 year old violin made by Giuseppe Joseph Gagliano, the most appreciated master of the Gagliano dynasty from Naples. The dignified instrument is the tenth in the collection of historical string instruments owned by the Instrument Foundation. The collection has a total value in excess of 1.6 million Euros.

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The Instrument Foundation introduced the possibilities for investing into rare string instruments

Number of images: 8

On the 23rd of January, for the first time in Estonia, an investment seminar took place, during which experts from Germany and Finland introduced the possibilities, to companies, for investing in rare string instruments.

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The Instrument Foundation started training instrument makers and businesses

In the year 2018 the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments started a project for training instrument makers and businesses with funding from Enterprise Estonia.

During the study sessions in Estonia and abroad, future instrument makers receive knowledge and skills about constructing instruments, materials, care, etc. Throughout the world, instrument makers work as entrepreneurs and therefore in addition to gaining knowledge about the field, necessary skills for managing a company are also learned.

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The centuries old string instruments of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments were used in a concert at the Town Hall

Number of images: 32

The oldest instrument used for the concert was a violin made by the Italian master Giovanni Paola Maggini approximately in the year 1610, which currently belongs to the Sapožnin family. The instrument is currently used by Hans Christian Aavik who is studying at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.

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Rare String Instruments Could be Heard in Rakvere

Number of images: 21

On May 23rd the musically inclined had a rare opportunity to listen to a string instrument concert with performers using the Instrument Foundation’s historical instruments in the white hall of Rakvere’s municipal government building. The concert was preceded by a reception where the guests were welcomed by the mayor Marko Torm, Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments director Marje Lohuaru and the Instrument Foundation’s investor Maivi Kaljuvee.

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The Instrument Foundation Received a Valuable Cello

Number of images: 9

On March 9th 2018 the valuable, historical cello added to the Instrument Foundation’s collection was festively presented to the principal cellist Theodor Sink as a fixed-term loan prior to the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ENSO) concert. On the same evening the precious instrument’s overtone rich sound could already be heard in the Estonia Concert Hall.

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A Violin More Than 400 Years Old was Added to the Instrument Foundation’s Collection

Number of images: 10

The 17th century precious and legendary violin belonging to the Sapožnin family was added to the Instrument Foundation’s collection. The instrument was used by the Estonian violinist Vladimir „Boba“ Sapožnin throughout his long career. The instrument is one of the most expensive instruments in the Instrument Foundation’s collection. On November 14th 2017 at a festive concert the instrument was loaned on a fixed-term to Hans Christian Aavik who is studying at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.

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Media coverage:

ETV "Terevisioon" (11.06.2024)

Haruldane pill

Postimees (13.04.2022)

Eesti viiuldaja maailma tipus

Klassikaraadio (06.03.2021, alates 21 minutist)

Metseenlus eesti muusikaelus

Sirp (20.11.2020)

Tänased tähed

Teater.Muusika.Kino (oktoober, 2020)

Persona Grata Theodor Sink

Ajakiri Muusika (07.11.2019)

Pillifondi aarded

Klassikaraadio (12.09.2019)

Kontserdisari "Pillifondi aarded"

Vikerraadio. Huvitaja (31.05.2019)


Äripäev (21.01.2019, alates 49 minutist)

Puust ja punaseks – kuidas investeerida 2019. aastal?

Eesti Ekspress (08.08.2018)

Theodori tume stiihia

ERR. Kultuur (22.05.2018)

Theodor Sink: Eesti Pillifond on ime

Kanal 2 (14.11.2017)

Reporter alates 21:35

Äripäeva raadio (14.11.2017)

Hommikuprogramm alates 8:20

Raadio 2 (03.05.2017)

“Hommik” alates 00:24

Raadio Kuku (29.04.2017)

„Publikumärk“ alates 19:57

Raadio 2 (19.04.2017)

“Agenda” alates 01:05:54

Muusika (jaanuar, 2017)

Eesti Pillifondi ime

Swedbank Fookus (jaanuar, 2017)

Muusikamaailma Ferrarid Eestis

ETV “Terevisioon” (05.12.2016)

Terevisioonis kõlas 18. sajandi viiul

Vikerraadio (05.12.2016)


See all

I am sincerely privileged to recognise and thank the founders of the Estonian Musical Instrument Foundation and encourage all music friends with social responsibility to support the foundation.

Indrek Saar
Minister of Culture
April 2015–April 2019