A precious violin bow was delivered to the violinist Hans Christian Aavik

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The entrepreneur Vladimir Sapožnin, with whose support to the collection of the Instrument Foundation, was acquired the precious bow, delivered the bow to the violinist Hans Christian Aavik, prior to the concert yesterday “Virtuoosid meisterpillidel” (Virtuosos on master instruments) that took place at the Kadriorg Art Museum. The violin bow was made in about 1930, by the French master Victor Fétique.

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Maestro Paavo Järvi presented precious bows to the musicians of the Instrument Foundation

Number of images: 45

Maestro Paavo Järvi prior to the Pärnu Music Festival concert “Eesti Pillifondi kõla” (The sound of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments), delivered to the interpreters playing on the string instruments of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, historical instrument bows. The total value of the six bows made in the 19th-20th centuries, by French masters is in excess of 100 000 euro.

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Estonian musicians selected precious instrument bows in Paris

Number of images: 9

The musicians and experts of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments last week visited the Vatlot-Rampal agency of historical string instruments and bows in Paris, where from among the bows made by French masters, six historical bows were selected that have a total value of more than 100 000 euro.

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Hans Christian Aavik won the first prize in the soloist category at the international competition “Cadenza Contest”

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Hans Christian Aavik, who since 2017 is playing on the violin, built by the Italian instrument maker Giovanni Paolo Maggini, which is part of the collection of the Instrument Foundation, achieved first prize in the soloist category, at the international competition “Cadenza Contest”.

The financial prize of the awarded place is accompanied by a concert, in the 2021/2022 season, at a concert hall in Europe, chosen by Cadenza Contest Management.

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The right of use of the cello made by Master Bernardeli was granted to Theodor Sink

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The cello that was in 1842 built by the master Auguste Sébastien Bernardeli (Père), by the decision of the council of experts of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, was given for use for three years, to the principal cellist of the ENSO, Theodor Sink. Theodor Sink received the right to use the cello, for the first time in 2018.

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Hans Christian Aavik, who is performing on a violin of the Instrument Foundation, won first prize at the Estonian string instrument competition

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Hans Christian Aavik won the first prize in the demanding competition for Estonian string instrument musicians that follows international traditions. He was additionally awarded a special prize for the best performance of a work by Eduard Tubin. Klassikaraadio recognized the young violinist with the Foundation recording special prize at the Estonian Public Broadcasting. The student of the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Hans Christian Aavik, also received award concerts. A possibility to perform as a soloist with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra opened and he will perform next spring in the concert series “Lossimuusika” (Castle music).

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Valle-Rasmus Roots won the third prize at the Estonian string instrument competition

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Valle-Rasmus Roots, playing on a cello that belongs to the collection of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, received the third prize at the Estonian string instrument competition, as well as two special awards: for the best performance of the capriccio by A. Piatti and the special award of Audio Maja, for a convincing performance and excellent tone.

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Hans Christian Aavik, performing on a violin by Maggini, reached the finals at the Ilmar Hannikainen competition

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The duo, violinist Hans Christian Aavik and pianist Karolina Žukova, reached the finals, at the Ilmar Hannikainen piano chamber music competition in Jyväskyla. Hans Christian Aavik received recognition and a diploma for artistic maturity and technical skills, with the jury members of the competition giving very good resonance for the characteristics of the violin’s sound.

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The musicians who have been granted the right to use rare string instruments have been selected

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The expert council of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments, has given Robert Traksmann the right of use of the nearly 240 year old, unique violin, built by the brothers Giuseppe Joseph and Antonio Gagliano. Giuseppe is the most valued master from the Gagliano dynasty of violin makers of Naples. Additionally he was given the right to use the violin bow, made in the year 1890 by the Parisian master Vigneron Joseph Artur.

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Instruments by historical masters sounded at the Estonian Embassy in Helsinki

Number of images: 20

On the 28th of November, a concert of historical instruments built by masters took place at the Estonian Embassy in Helsinki.

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Media coverage:

ETV "Terevisioon" (11.06.2024)

Haruldane pill

Postimees (13.04.2022)

Eesti viiuldaja maailma tipus

Klassikaraadio (06.03.2021, alates 21 minutist)

Metseenlus eesti muusikaelus

Sirp (20.11.2020)

Tänased tähed

Teater.Muusika.Kino (oktoober, 2020)

Persona Grata Theodor Sink

Ajakiri Muusika (07.11.2019)

Pillifondi aarded

Klassikaraadio (12.09.2019)

Kontserdisari "Pillifondi aarded"

Vikerraadio. Huvitaja (31.05.2019)


Äripäev (21.01.2019, alates 49 minutist)

Puust ja punaseks – kuidas investeerida 2019. aastal?

Eesti Ekspress (08.08.2018)

Theodori tume stiihia

ERR. Kultuur (22.05.2018)

Theodor Sink: Eesti Pillifond on ime

Kanal 2 (14.11.2017)

Reporter alates 21:35

Äripäeva raadio (14.11.2017)

Hommikuprogramm alates 8:20

Raadio 2 (03.05.2017)

“Hommik” alates 00:24

Raadio Kuku (29.04.2017)

„Publikumärk“ alates 19:57

Raadio 2 (19.04.2017)

“Agenda” alates 01:05:54

Muusika (jaanuar, 2017)

Eesti Pillifondi ime

Swedbank Fookus (jaanuar, 2017)

Muusikamaailma Ferrarid Eestis

ETV “Terevisioon” (05.12.2016)

Terevisioonis kõlas 18. sajandi viiul

Vikerraadio (05.12.2016)


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We are among the founders of the Foundation to establish a perfect example of cooperation between sectors. The Foundation has extensive monetary requirements which is a match with our main activities.

Robert Kitt
CEO, Swedbank Estonia
January 2015–June 2019